

(Definitions assembled in ascending order by Yehudit Goldfarb)

Asiyah    Behavior/action     patterns in the physical dimensions of my being       The Lower Hey
Yetzirah  Emotion/feeling    patterns in the emotional dimensions of my being     The Vav
Beriyah   Intellect//thought   patterns in the intellectual dimensions of my being   The Upper Hey
Atzilut    Motivation/intention  patterns in the spiritual dimensions of my being    The Yod

Malkhut (The Breath, Shabbat):  being present, centeredness, sense of sovereignty, consciousness of being breathed, grounded holiness              
Yesod (Shuruk, Friday):   relationship, intimacy, communication, connection, bonding, the foundation    
Hod (Kubutz, Thursday):  splendor, empathy, refining the vision, aesthetics, ritual
Netzach (Chirik, Wednesday):  sense of purpose, endurance, awareness of eternal structures, decision-making
Tiferet (Cholam, Tuesday):  beauty, harmony, compassionate balancing of the limitless and the structured, surrendering to a larger all-encompassing perspective
Gevurah (Sh’va, Monday):  strength and power, setting limits, honoring boundaries, making judgments
Chesed (Segol, Sunday):  lovingkindness, openness, abundance, flowing expansiveness
Binah (Tzere):  understanding, differentiating, analyzing, noticing the multiplicity
Chokhmah (Patach):  intuitive wisdom, holistic insight, unifying vision, divine intellect
Keter (Kamatz):  experiencing reality beyond ego and sense of self, awareness of the All-illuminating Eternal Now

Levels of Soul
Nefesh:   appetitive functioning and awareness, creative imagination, vitality
Ruach:  emotional awareness, intentionality (linking the physical and spiritual), song
Neshamah:  intellect, spiritual manifestation, creative thought, inspiration
Chayah:  divine integrative life force (The Living One), life-experience connected to source of Eternal Life, will to live
Yechidah:  uniqueness (The Unique Single One), holographic unification with Hashem

Note:  Descriptions and short movies of how to dance the movements for the nikudot (Hebrew vowel signs whose names are listed above next to their corresponding sefirot on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life) are available on my website: www.otiyot.com.

All material on this site is under copyright © Yehudit Goldfarb and may be copied only with the permission from the owner.

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